Telecommunication Technology

What is Telecommunication Technology?

Telecommunication or telecom for short is the transmission and reception of signals over a certain distance for the purpose of communication. Antonic Mencci, Alexander Graham Bell, Guglielmo, Marconi, John Ligia Boird started telecommunication and reached its present state. And Telecommunication Technology or Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering is a contemporary and demanding 4-year 8-semester based diploma course launched by Bangladesh Technical Education Board in various public and private polytechnic institutes.

In line with the advancement of modern technology and ICT, the contribution of telecommunication in the digital world is skyrocketing. Thanks to the contribution of IT including satellites, TV stations, radio stations, mobile phones, internet, radar, the world is now at hand. Advanced technology and digital satellites have brought unprecedented changes in the telecommunication sector. Job opportunities are created in public and private companies including BTRC, BTCL, Bangladesh Submarine Cable, Meteorological Department, Optical Fiber Cable Company, TV and Radio Channels, Mobile Operators, Digital Marketing. Skilled telecommunication engineers are required in these sectors.


At present, there has been great progress in the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh. As a result of telecommunication, engineers have new job opportunities. Mobile companies such as Grameenphone, Actel, Citycell, Banglalink and government/private landline companies such as BTTB, BTRC, Dhaka Phone, Rangstel have job opportunities in these organizations and in the position of Assistant Engineer.

Bangladesh TV Stations Private TV channels like ATN Bangla, Channel I, Channel 24, NTV etc. have numerous job opportunities for engineer positions.

Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Railway, Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Radar Station and Television Telegram Board have job opportunities for Sub-Assistant Engineer posts.

All public and private schools, colleges, madrasahs, SSC Vocational Polytechnic Institutes have sufficient posts to work as instructors and various labs.