The present age is the age of science and technology. Advances in science and information technology in this century have turned the entire world into a global village. In order to survive in today’s global competition and win the economic war, we have to educate our youth in technical education and turn them into skilled human resources. You have to place yourself in the world market by utilizing your talent and skills through age-appropriate education. Keeping this great goal of meeting the demands of the age in mind, the City Polytechnic Institute and Medical Institute has become known as the first and largest private institute in the divisional city of Khulna under the management of Abdul Malek Foundation with the approval of the government. At present around 4 thousands students are studying here in four-year Diploma in Computer, Electronics, Electrical, Civil, Telecommunication, Mechanical, Marine, Textile and Garment Design and Pattern Making Engineering and four-year Diploma in Medical Technology Dental, Pathology, Nursing and Radiology and Imaging Technology. We are the first in the southern region of Bangladesh to take this initiative to spread technical education and create skilled manpower.