ডিপ্লোমা ইন ইলেক্ট্রিক্যাল টেকনোলজী
About the Department
The Department of Electrical at the City Polytechnic Institute Khulna works with the mission of providing its students with a high quality education so that they are well prepared to become high caliber Electrical engineers and it aspires to grow to the level of gaining global recognition. They are capable of designing modern & advanced circuits with diverse applications ranging from low voltage to extra high voltage applications by their professional ethics and leadership qualities.
To complete the Diploma (ET) program at the City Polytechnic Institute Khulna, normally takes four academic years (i.e.8 Semesters). Each academic year is divided into 2 Semesters. There shall be Mid-term Examination after conducting 8 weeks classes. After Mid-term examination and conducting of 8 Weeks classes’ Final examination will be held at the end of each semester. Stipend facility of STEP have been given to students as 800/= (Eight hundred taka only) in every month.
The Mission and Vision of the Department of ET
The ET Department’s program mission and goal of the department are as follows:
“The principal mission of the Electrical Technology program is to offer the strong academic program needed to produce well-educated students who can become productive members of the Electrical. This mission is consistent with the academic component of the institute’s mission, which is in part to provide a strong academic program in engineering.”
“The Vision of the Electrical Technology program is to instill in CPIK to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitude, and ethical values necessary to be successful practitioners who are able to impart positive social impacts at the state, regional, national, and international levels. Additionally, CPIK seek to provide the necessary academic background for Electrical Engineering graduates pursuing advanced degrees.”
Job Sectors
Diploma in Electrical Engineering having the job sectors including to be a teacher under the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) and government & non-government Vocational & Technical schools. As an electrical engineer the opportunities are in all power generation companies i.e. Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), Ashuganj Power Station Company LTD (APSCL), Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited (CPGCBL), Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO), Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC), North West Power Generation Company Limited (NWPGCL), Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited (NESCO), West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (WZPDCL) & having an opportunities in Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA). All government i.e Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Food, Bangladesh Steel Engineering Corporation (BSEC) etc. & non-government institutions.
Advantages of this Department in CPIK
- Industrial Visit (Each Semester)
- Extra classes
- Enriched lab facilities
- Extra Curriculum activities
- Academic Text facilities
- Nursing for Morality & Quality